Ainslie Roddick ‘Hunt Family Shoes’ Original




Medium: Oil

Format: Original on canvas

Framed size: 31.5 x 38.5″

Condition: Excellent


Ainslie Roddick’s allusions of growth and familial connection are represented in this joyful and lighthearted image of the Hunt family’s five pairs of shoes. We can identify the personalities of the family members of the mother and father’s on the top row in the black dress shoes and high heels, followed by the trainers and plimsoles of two younger boys and finally the red Mary Janes belonging to the smallest girl. The painting captures the striking textures and details of the shoes, with careful attention to the light and shadows, giving them a very real and three-dimensional quality. Roddick uses a contemporary and realistic style, focusing on the distinct characteristics of each pair of shoes. The black frame with a white matting provides a stark contrast, drawing the viewer’s attention to the vibrant and detailed composition within.


(estimate includes ARR, finders fee & taxes)


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